ICU卒業生の声~16期生 ディルトンさん
1)Please briefly introduce yourself and state current activity
Hi everyone. I’m Dilton Ribeiro. I was born in Brazil, but have been living in Canada for many years before coming to Japan. I studied law, specializing in international law and human rights. I then came to study at ICU as a Rotary Peace Fellow to learn more about peace and social sciences in general. From this September, I will start working at ICU as an Assistant Professor! I’m really excited about this opportunity!
皆さん、こんにちは。わたしは、Dilton Ribeiro です。ブラジル生まれですが、日本に来る前は長年カナダに住んでいました。わたしは、法律を学びました。専門は国際法と人権です。平和と社会科学全般についてさらなら知識を身につけるために、ロータリー平和フェローの一員としてICUに勉強しに来ました。この9月からは、准教授として働き始めます!
2) Please briefly explain why you choose to be Rotary Peace Fellow
I studied law and finished all graduate studies. After, I wanted to learn more about peace theories and social sciences in general. Rotary Peace Fellowship and ICU’s interdisciplinary program provided me with the most wonderful opportunity to complement my law studies with different ways to understand complex issues. I wanted to study law, social sciences and philosophy. I’m really grateful to Rotary for this opportunity!
3) Please briefly state your idea of future program after study and state how you will contribute world peace building
From this September, I will start working at ICU as an Assistant Professor. I will hopefully teach courses about peace to undergraduate students. I want to research the intersection and differences between peace and human rights.